We’ve all had moments in our lives where we’ve experienced loss. During this meeting, we shared in a round table format our stories. We immediately felt a connection to one another and subsequently shared some strategies for extracting ourselves from the negativity that can be all-consuming when grieving.
“Rather than trying to monitor your thoughts, we encourage that you simply pay attention to how you are feeling.For if you should choose a thought that is not in harmony with the way that broader, older, wiser, loving Inner Being part of you sees it, you will feel the discord; and then you can easily redirect your thought to something that feels better and, therefore, serves you better.” —Abraham
Many teachers of LOA say that grief and the believing in the law of attraction cannot coexist. I disagree. You cannot manifest if you are out of alignment with source. Hiding or denying emotions puts you out of alignment. If you are out of alignment, you are not existing at a higher vibration. You can write affirmations and meditate for decades, and still not raise your vibration if you are not allowing your emotions and wounds to surface and be healed. If you feel it, own it. Work through the sadness, the anger, the rage, the abandonment, the disappointment. Set aside time to do so. If someone yells at you and you cry, ask yourself, “When in my past have I felt this same way?” This will lead to breaking patterns. I’m not advising you to belabor the sadness and dwell on negative experiences, but certainly own the feeling. Define it. And then take the necessary steps to stopping it from defining you.
Below are some resources: