It’s New Year’s Eve! The end of the calendar year is always a time of reflection for most of us. I’ve recommended the book A Year Without Fear to members who attend our meetings and I wanted to share the post for today:
“Today is the last day of this year of your life. This year will never come again. Bow as this teacher exits. It has laced your challenges with soul gifts. Set you up for true joy. Brought you to new vows. The more you find gratitude for the year that has been, the more you will delight in the one that arrives. Today, I honor all this year has been for me.”
“The longest journey we will ever take is the one from the head to the heart”~Gary Zibcoff
2015 was one of those years for me, a year of total transformation. I started the year with health issues, a PTSD diagnosis and holding on to a toxic parasitic relationship. I was giving away all of my energy and showing no love towards myself. The universe smacked me in the face as if to say, “SNAP OUT OF IT!” when I finally gathered the strength to exit a 5-year relationship. At first I didn’t know what to do with the negativity and anger and hurt. Someone told me I was “vengeful and needed therapy”. She was right.

And that’s when it hit me. I already had the tools I needed to heal and create the life I always wanted all along. I just needed to shift my mindset.
The second half of 2015 was a positively-fueled time in my life. I wrestled with my demons and found refuge in a meditation practice and Reiki healing. My spiritual path led me to meet amazing people who helped me with the healing process and I finally got this group off the ground. The positive people around me made me feel whole again. I welcomed a huge promotion and an ease to financial worries, along with repairing friendships and the relationship with my family. I met new people, explored new hobbies, and welcomed experiences with amazing people. None of this would have been possible without the LOA work I invested in.
And that brings me to why I am sharing this with all of you: No matter where you are right now, no matter what the struggle may be, know that it is only temporary. I read somewhere that maybe you have not been buried; instead you have been PLANTED. Think of the raw power we have as thinkers and feelers in this world. Anything is possible. THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING AND SETTING INTENTIONS REALLY DOES WORK!!!!!!!
The place I was at when 2015 began is not where I am now. A year ago I would have told you that you were crazy if you tried to tell me where I’d be tonight. And while the road was paved with a lot of hurt, loss, worry, and despair, there was always a light shining and guiding me towards where I was meant to be. We ALL have the ability to heal our lives.
I thank you all for being part of this group and I am so grateful for your presence in my life. If you haven’t come to one of our meetings lately, I encourage you to do so. Our members are creating the lives they were meant to live and our circle of influence is expanding. Fabulous things are on the horizon for 2016!!!! May the year ahead bring you all that you desire and more. If you want it, manifest it!
Here is a journal prompt for setting your New Year intentions:
Reflect on where you were at the start of 2015 and where you are now. If you were to write a grateful letter to 2015, what would you say?
Dear 2015, Thank you for gifts of growth in the following ways:Then list them. Also, ask yourself what gifts of transformation you received this year. Who or what was your greatest teacher o
r agent of growth for the year? What break-thru(s) happened in 2015 that now surround you as you carry the new expanded energy it gave you? What truth did you discover this year that has illuminated your life’s path with clearer, brighter intentions for your next steps? Claim the energizing word you would like to embody more strongly for your life’s path in this upcoming new year.
Let your light shine!!!!!!!