On Monday, September 25th we will resume our normal schedule of workshops after a brief end-of-summer hiatus.
This will be a TWO PART meeting!
PART ONE–Special Guest Speaker!!!!:
Come join Dr. Mary Oz as we discuss the Healing Power of Ho’oponopono and how you can receive Healing, Miracles and Radical Change. Dr. Mary Oz, Change Expert, Therapist and Results Oriented Coach, Author, Speaker and founder of Radical Change Coaching Academy certifies coaches and teaches individuals to be more resourceful than the average person! She combines counseling and coaching with a Healing Process called Ho’oponopono and The Law of Attraction! Her clients are experiencing Radical Change in less than 30 days!
Recognized as a Change Expert and keynote speaker, Dr. Mary Oz speaks on topics such as Healing, Transformation, Radical Change, The Law of Attraction and Results Oriented Living! Dr. Mary Oz has been a LCSW for 30 years, a Results Oriented Coach for 15 years and is now sought after as A CHANGE EXPERT who can help you get Results Quickly, Powerfully and Easily!

Amidst the stressors in life, people are searching for holistic healing. The labyrinth, a path for walking meditation, has been introduced as a way to deal with life stressors. Labyrinths are being built in hospitals, schools, parks, and prisons. What is the impact of walking the labyrinth on participants?
During this meeting, we will discuss this, as well as participate in a walk ourselves. Participants will be given access to a virtual labyrinth to access whenever and wherever necessary, as well as some tools to replicate one when you are unable to physically go to a location.
Suggestion donation: $5, to cover venue cost, materials and Meetup Fees.